In this historical period and above all in an increasingly globalized context, the word e – health was coined in the healthcare sector: the set of resources, supports and technologies that are applied to medical sectors.
Healthcare demand is growing rapidly in all countries and the use of resources that simplify communication between patients and doctors from different countries has become increasingly necessary, also due to COVID-19,
Effective strategies are studied on a daily basis to allow the inclusion of figures capable to offer linguistic mediation services within health facilities.
Language is one of the most common barriers within society, which is the reason why the incorrect interpretation of hospital outcomes and drug regimens has been identified as one of the risk factors of healthcare facilities.
Specialist offices, first aid centers, public hospitals use translators to facilitate the acceptance and check-in processes and to provide the patient with an optimal service. Quickly translating medical records, claims for compensation allows to reduce the time and processes of hospitalization of the patients themselves.
Not only between patient and doctor, but today the correct communication plays an important role even among medical teams of different nations. In research laboratories, medical centers there is often a need for professional linguists capable of translating scientific studies and instruction manuals in a short time into a language that is appropriate for patients who will use their drugs, services or equipment.
The figure of the translator as well as the one of the interpreter is fundamental within medical facilities because the quality of the translation is closely related to the health and life of patients.
Misunderstanding a drug treatment or a prescription could lead to serious consequences.
Only professional translators and linguists can help solve these multicultural “gaps”, through the correct translation, revision and management of medical terminology.