People that want to start a career in professional interpreting services get surprised. This happens when they realize it is harder than it appears. Moreover, they find out it can\’t be performed by anyone that considers themselves bilingual.
There are lots of academic requirements and skills needed to develop this profession with dedication. Furthermore, social skills are often more important than formal studies.
Social skills for professional interpreting services
If you want to offer professional interpreting services you\’ll need some abilities that you can\’t learn in a classroom. These are some that can be useful to truly understand what someone is saying. Communicating to somebody else is not necesarily a matter of language.
Keep reading: How are Professional Interpreters trained?
Some of these skills are:
- Good listening
- Reliable memory
- concise expression
- Cultural knowledge
- Specialized knowledge
In addition to this, interpreters must have strong ethical values because they’ll manage sensitive information if they work in sectors like medical, financial, or diplomatic.
You are not born an interpreter
Aside from the skills that experience gives, the interpreter must have a broad academic background to assure that every translation is a reliable copy of the original document.
Academic certifications vary from country to country, but you’ll need to demonstrate that you’ve received the corresponding training to become a professional interpreter.
Also, you’ll need to pass language proficiency exams to showcase your domain of the language you’ll be working with. It is worth mentioning that some of the most demanded languages are English, Spanish, Italian, French, and Chinese.
Nevertheless, to work in professional interpreting services, you will need other assets. The best interpreters constantly update their practical knowledge in order to understand how languages evolve. In this way, they are able to translate precisely and effectively when they need to.
The best professional interpreting services are here
In EPLS you´ll find the best professional interpreting services made by our highly qualified team of experts with many years of experience in the market. Contact us to know more about us and learn why we can be your best ally when you need consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, proofreading, translations, voice-over, or language lessons.